Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Welshman Ncube-Joshua Nkomo incarnate

m. tsvangirai and Professor Welshman Ncube

The MDC supporters who spoke to this reporter on the sidelines of the Campaign Rally that was held in Sitezi Business Centre said Welshman Ncube was the first Leader with a national appeal and national outlook which was reminiscent of the former revolutionary party ZAPU which was led by the late Joshua Nkomo.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


TSHOLOTSHO: There is no longer any doubt in the minds of all Zimbabweans that Zanu (pf) demise and its genocidal ways have come to an end. There is also a general consensus that the next election will condemn Robert Mugabe and his party to the dustbins of history, but it is very important for all Zimbabweans to now focus on the kind of change we want because failure to do will take us back to the rule similar to Zanu (pf) dictatorship. This was said by the MDC President Welshman Ncube in a ward five rally in Tsholotsho Business Centre, Sipepa area, Tsholotsho North that was attended by two thousand MDC supporters.


If one looks through the history education curriculum he is quick to realize that there was a deliberate omission of the big role played by the authentic liberation movement ZIPRA and the Joshua Nkomo’sZapu in the liberation of this country. It is disappointing to note that our history curriculum looks more like a political document which it should not be. This was said by Senator David Coltart who is also the Minister of Education, Sports and Culture in Nketa Hall grounds while addressing 1000 MDC supporters.

‘Ncube’s strategies effective’ : By Qhubani Moyo

In the past few weeks there has been a multi-pronged structural attack on Professor Welshman Ncube in opinion pages and news columns of the Daily News newspaper.

The systematic assault uses a three-pronged approach that attempts to stigmatise him as a Zanu PF person, accusing him of dividing Morgan Tsvangirai’s voter base and using an unproductive strategy by addressing the shortcomings and inadequacies of both Tsvangirai and President Robert Mugabe — other key contenders for the top post in the next election.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Young people ready to reclaim their country from 30 years of misrule : President Welshman Ncube

We had a wonderful rally at Nyazura grounds in Nyazura, Makoni South constituency in Manicaland where we were received with warm enthusiasm by the large crowd which was clad in the party's trademark green colours. By the time we left there was green everywhere. We thank the people of Makoni South for the vote of confidence in our party. Yesterday, we were also warmly received by a largely youthful crowd at Mashumbi Pools in Guruve North, mashonaland Central.


Over eight hundred MDC supporters converged at Nesigwe Business Centre in Nkayi North for an MDC ward rally where the President of the party Welshman Ncube told them that the creation of a just and a fair nation based on the principles of justice and equality is on top of the MDC agenda towards the creation of the Zimbabwe we want. MDC will make sure that education, health, decent jobs and shelter are available and accessible to all.

“When we say we want to create a just and a fair Zimbabwe we mean a state where all resources are shared equally, we mean a state that is guided by the principles of justice and equality, the Zimbabwe where decent jobs, health and decent housing are not only available but is also accessible and affordable by all” the President said.

Tolerance vital to development- President Ncube

President Welshman Ncube
Political leaders should take a leaf from church and other civil leaders and understand that it is possible to have different views on an issue but continue to leave in peace, MDC President Welsham Ncube has said.

Addressing a joint gathering of the National Councils of MDC and MDCT and the ZANU PF Central Committee in Harare on Friday President Ncube bemoaned the up sage of political motivated violence in the country and encouraged party leaders to convince their supporters on the need to end violence.


President of the MDC, Professor Welshman Ncube
MDC was not formed to make coalitions in order to attain power neither is it shopping for alliances to get into power but the party is canvassing support in the length and the breath of this country from all Zimbabweans so that it is voted into power in the next free and fair election. The party was formed so that it will compete with any political party fighting for political space in Zimbabwe.
Addressing 1000 MDC supporters in Nketa Hall on Sunday the MDC President said that the party is growing stronger each day in all corners of the country and is confident that the democratic movement will romp to victory in the next election. He castigated some sections of the media that want to depict the leaders of Zanu pf and MDC-T as infallible and who should not be criticized while the same leadership is praised when they even lie about the MDC leadership he made a reference to the book by Morgan Tsvangirai “the deep end” which he says is a bunch of lies and deceit.


m.tsangirayi, President Welshman Ncube, r.mugabe

INSUZA: The MDC is geared to participate in a free and fair election and deliver the people of Zimbabwe from decades of misrule by Zanu pf and the deception of the MDC-T. The party’s main strength is its responsiveness to the issues that affect the people of Zimbabwe and the ability to deliver in the few years it has spent in the Government of National Unity.