Monday 13 June 2011


 From the Office of the President and Standing Committee
The Head of the Party  who is  also the Principal to the Government of National Unity President Welshman Ncube has returned from the  extra-ordinary SADC Summit on Zimbabwe held in Sandton Conference Centre  South Africa over the weekend.
This is a summary of the resolutions that were taken:
1) The facilitators report on Zimbabwe was accepted and endorsed

2) The review report by the 3 parties was adopted and endorsed

3) The election roadmap was accepted and endorsed

4) All parties were urged to agree on the timelines for the election roadmap

5) The three parties we asked to consider the means and the ways for an implementation mechanism for the election roadmap

6) There was an appeal to the three parties to move with urgency and speed to conclude on these matters before the next SADC summit in August

Overall we are satisfied with the results of the summit. We always knew it would not be the fireworks anticipated by some because for most issues we knew the parties had already agreed on issues. The task at hand has been for us about implementation of what has been already agreed not reinventing the wheel. Our hope is that there will be a clear focus on the implementation on what has been agreed

1 comment:

  1. WE believe a much stronger road map has to be formulated to stop the violence in zimbabwe, because it is well known that zanu-pf thugs do not follow any agreements, why is MDCs still leaking mugabe’s back.. a proper deal or convetion need to be reached to stop violence in zimbabwe. pen and white paper is nothing in the eyes of zanu-pf. how many times did we tell zanu-pf to stop the violence and they just put a blind eye. the solution of zimbabwe now can be solved by zimbabweans in three ways..see the three solutions

    1.egypt way, 2.convention, 3.immediate elections and peace-keepers to monitor

    please you can see the convention document ..

    yet all this history of road-map won’t change anything for striving rural areas zimbabweans
