Sunday 20 November 2011


President of the MDC, Professor Welshman Ncube
MDC was not formed to make coalitions in order to attain power neither is it shopping for alliances to get into power but the party is canvassing support in the length and the breath of this country from all Zimbabweans so that it is voted into power in the next free and fair election. The party was formed so that it will compete with any political party fighting for political space in Zimbabwe.
Addressing 1000 MDC supporters in Nketa Hall on Sunday the MDC President said that the party is growing stronger each day in all corners of the country and is confident that the democratic movement will romp to victory in the next election. He castigated some sections of the media that want to depict the leaders of Zanu pf and MDC-T as infallible and who should not be criticized while the same leadership is praised when they even lie about the MDC leadership he made a reference to the book by Morgan Tsvangirai “the deep end” which he says is a bunch of lies and deceit.

“no force on earth will make us stop bringing any political party competing with us for space into the mirror and we tell you to see for yourselves how they look and divorced they are from the solutions of the nation and conformity to the democratic values, some sections of the media must stop projecting Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe as infallible. Morgan Tsvangirai writes his all sorts of lies about me in his book “the deep end” when we criticize him for those lies we are told Ncube has diminished chances for a coalition, let me make this very clear we are not beggars for a coalition no, no, no, this party doesn’t exist for coalitions” he said.

President Ncube went on to tell the crowd that MDC was the only consistent political party that will not lie to get votes,, the only party that is will repeat the message of message of a just and fair Zimbabwe in any party of the country not others who will only speak of devolution when they are in Matabeleland and never repeat devolution while in Mashonaland. He went further to say that the party was ready for a free and fair election but will not budge to the Zanu PF poll call which they want without fulfilling the requirements stated in the election road map, this he said will lead us to another violent and disputed election.

“ we are a very consistent political party, we walk the talk, we are so committed to democracy that we have stood to this principle through the tough times, we have spoken about devolution everywhere throughout the country not like other who only talk about it when they are here looking for votes…… I want also to point out that we are ready for elections but we won’t give in to the Zanu PF desire to have the elections without fulfilling the requirements agreed to in the election road map which among others is the free media, the new constitution and electoral reform.

In the same meeting the President welcomed Zelda Nadhe who defected from the MDC-T. was the chief election agent in Bulawayo Central in the previous election. She said she defected because the MDC-T was a mirror image of Zanu pf , a haven of thugs, thieves and dicatatorship.

The rally was also attended by Deputy President Edwin Mushoriwa, the Secretary General Priscilla Misihairabwi Mushonga, and the Deputy Secretary General Moses Mzila Ndlovu. The National Chairman Goodrich Chimabira, the Deputy National Chairman Frank Chamunorwa, the Treasurer General Paul Themba Nyathi, the National secretary for legal affairs David Coltart, the Organising Secretary Qhubani Moyo, the nationalsecretary for Recruitment Rita Ndlovu, the national Director of Strategy and Implementation Miriam Mushayi, the Deputy Director of Strategy and Implementation Joshua Mhambi,the national Women’s Wing chairlady Thandiwe Mlilo, the National Youth Chairperson Gideon Mandaza, the Youth Secretary General Discent Bhajila, members of the national executive and the provincial leadership.

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